Its official. We are so tired of winter.
I can't wait for it to warm up so we can go to the park on weekends and play outside. Winter is wet, dark, and depressing. It has gone on long enough. One of Daddy's friends says we should go Groundhog hunting! It will have to wait until this Winter Storm that we are currently under is finished.
Mommy got a new camera, which she says is a huge upgrade from her other one. She also got several other new photography items, and plans to start doing senior pictures soon. Mommy says it will be a long time before I am a senior, but she will take my picture a lot just because I'm adorable.
Daddy was gone to see his folks on Saturday, but only stayed for the day, and I was happy to have him back home before bed time. Mommy and I stayed home and played with Nana and Papa Jim, and Great Mama and Papa Russ. They got me the Little People's farm, which I am now obsessed with. At least it doesn't make much noise! Mommy says I have maxed out on the number of toys I can have that are loud and obnoxious!
We have been watching the Olympics every night, which has been nice. Go USA! Ice Dancing and Ski Cross tonight.
Gotta go, its bath time. Hope the spring comes soon!
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