Santa Claus is Frustrated.  

It seems that people are putting their orders in at the North Pole for what I want for Christmas, and Santa doesn't know what I really want, because I am too little to write him a letter, I need my Mommy and Daddy to help me make my list. This is what they have come up with...

1) I really don't need clothes... I have a closet full that are still too big for me.
2) There is a wish list on that gives some ideas. You can find it here.
3) Baby Einstein CDs, or Mozart Cds to listen to at sleepy times.
4) Books! We love books.
5) That wish list and above suggestions are just ideas, but in case you have any ideas of your own, here are my Mommy's Rules. (Why do Mom's always have to have rules!! Not Fair)
1. No sharp corners, or places to get fingers smashed in.
2. If any component of it can fit through a paper towel tube, it is too small and a choking hazard.
3. Nothing with Exposed Magnets (choking hazard, as well as intestinal hazard if swallowed).
4. And I am sure that I don't need to say this, because you all know my Mommy is very anti-gun but in case my uncles didn't get the message, NO TOY GUNS. Mommy will not allow real guns in my house, or even in the garage, so Toy Guns are outlawed too. Any items that encourage an interest in guns (even "just for hunting or target practice", will be confiscated. This applies to all future birthdays and Christmas Days, or any other "just because days" so Mommy will not have to say this again. She says that when I am old enough I may have a water Super Soaker, but that is it. So, if you have already bought me my first deer rifle, and stocked my crib with Ammo, you had better take it back before my Mommy finds out.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 11, 2008 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .


Ok, I'm giggling at the thought someone already bought him big guns, heehee. Smart idea to plan a list ahead of time!